Journal Articles

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014  | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009


Katzberger P.; Riniker S.
General Graph Neural Network Based Implicit Solvation Model for Organic Molecules in Water
Preprint: external pageChemRxiv 10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-z8725 (2024).

Champion C.; Hünenberger P. H.; Riniker S.
Multistate Method to Efficiently Account for Tautomerism and Protonation in Alchemical Free-Energy Calculations
Preprint: external pageChemRxiv 10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-qkw53 (2024).



Champion C.; Lehner M.; Smith A. A.; Ferrage F.; Bolik-Coulon N.; Riniker S.
external pageUnraveling Motion in Proteins by Combining NMR Relaxometry and Molecular Dynamics Simulations: A Case Study on Ubiquitin
J. Chem. Phys., 2024, 160104105 (open access).
Preprint: external pageChemRxiv 10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-335gp (2023).


Landrum G. A.; Riniker S.
external pageCombining IC50 or Ki Values From Different Sources is a Source of Significant Noise
J. Chem. Inf. Model., 2024, 641560 (open access).
Preprint: external pageChemRxiv 10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-2smhk (2024).


Isert C.; Atz K.; Riniker S.; Schneider G.
external pageExploring Protein-Ligand Binding Affinity Prediction with Electron Density-Based Geometric Deep Learning
RSC Adv., 2024, 144492 (open access).
Preprint: external pageChemRxiv 10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-585vf (2023).


Cotter E.; Pultar F.; Riniker S.; Altmann K.-H.
external pageExperimental and Theoretical Studies on the Reactions of Aliphatic Imines with Isocyanates
Chem. Eur. J., 2024, 30, e202304272 (open access).
Preprint: external pageChemRxiv 10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-twjpr (2023).




Landrum G. A.; Beckers M.; Lanini J.; Schneider N.; Stiefl N.; Riniker S.
external pageSIMPD: an Algorithm for Generating Simulated Time Splits for Validating Machine Learning Approaches
J. Cheminf., 2023, 15119 (open access).
Preprint: external pageChemRxiv 10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-x9pjf (2023).


Kubincová A.; Riniker S., Hünenberger P. H.
external pageSimulation of Aqueous Solutes Using the Adaptive Solvent-Scaling (AdSoS) Scheme
J. Chem. Phys., 2023, 159234102 (open access).
Preprint: external pageChemRxiv 10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-f1fqx (2023).


Thürlemann M.; Riniker S.
external pageHybrid Classical/Machine-Learning Force Fields for the Accurate Description of Molecular Condensed-Phase Systems
Chem. Sci., 2023, 1412661 (open access).
Preprint: external pagearXiv:2308.08984 (2023).


Champion C.; Gall R.; Ries B.; Rieder S. R.; Barros E. P.; Riniker S.
external pageAccelerating Alchemical Free Energy Prediction Using a Multistate Method: Application to Multiple Kinases
J. Chem. Inf. Model., 2023, 63, 7133.
Preprint: external pageChemRxiv 10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-kfh2s (2023).


Lehner M. T.; Katzberger P.; Maeder N.; Schiebroek C. C. G.; Teetz J.; Landrum G. A.; Riniker S.
external pageDASH: Dynamic Attention-Based Substructure Hierarchy for Partial Charge Assignment
J. Chem. Inf. Model., 2023, 63, 6014 (open access).
Preprint: external pagearXiv:2305.15981 (2023).


Metternich J. B.; Katzberger P.; Kamenik A. S.; Tiwari P.; Wu R.; Riniker S.; Zenobi R.
external pageInfluence of the Fluorophore Mobility on Distance Measurements by Gas Phase FRET
J. Phys. Chem. A, 2023, 127, 5620.
Preprint: external pageChemRxiv 10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-fcnwg (2023).


Thürlemann M.; Riniker S.
external pageEnergy-Based Clustering: Fast and Robust Clustering of Data with Known Likelihood Functions
J. Chem. Phys., 2023, 159024105 (open access).
Editor's pick. Journal cover of issue external pageVolume 159, Issue 2.
Preprint: external pagearXiv:2303.01104 (2023).


Katzberger P.; Riniker S.
external pageImplicit Solvent Approach Based on Generalised Born and Transferable Graph Neural Networks for Molecular Dynamics Simulations
J. Chem. Phys., 2023, 158204101 (open access).
Preprint: external pagearXiv:2302.09321 (2023).


Wu R.; Metternich J. B.; Kamenik A. S.; Tiwari P.; Harrison J. A.; Kessen D.; Akay H.; Benzenberg J. R.; Chan T.-W. D.; Riniker S.; Zenobi R.
external pageDetermining the Gas-Phase Structures of alpha-Helical Peptides: Insights from Shape, Intramolecular Distance, and Microsolvation Assays
Nature Commun., 2023, 14, 2913 (open access).


Barros E. P.; Ries B.; Champion C.; Rieder S. R.; Riniker S.
external pageAccounting for Solvation Correlation Effects on the Thermodynamics of Water Networks in Protein Cavities
J. Chem. Inf. Model., 2023, 63, 1794 (open access).
Preprint: external pageChemRxiv:10.26434/chemrxiv-2022-sx77x (2022).


Thürlemann M.; Riniker S.
external pageAnisotropic Message Passing: Graph Neural Networks with Directional and Long-Range Interactions
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2023 (open access).


Linker S. M.; Schellhaas C.; Kamenik A. S.; Veldhuizen M. M.; Waibl F.; Roth H.-J.; Fouché M.; Rodde S.; Riniker S.
external pageLessons for Oral Bioavailability: How Conformationally Flexible Cyclic Peptides Enter and Cross Lipid Membranes
J. Med. Chem., 2023, 662773 (open access).
Preprint: external pageChemRxiv:10.26434/chemrxiv-2022-9b47d (2022).


Volkamer A.; Riniker S.; Nittinger E.; Lanini J.; Grisoni F.; Evertsson E.; Rodríguez-Pérez R.; Schneider N.
external pageMachine Learning for Small Molecule Drug Discovery in Academia and Industry
Artif. Intel. Life Sci. 2023, 3100056 (open access).




Rieder S. R.; Oliveira M. P.; Riniker S.; Hünenberger P. H.
external pageDevelopment of an Open-Source Software for Isomer Enumeration
J. Cheminf. 2023, 15, 10  (open access).


Thürlemann M.; Böselt L.; Riniker S.
external pageRegularized by Physics: Graph Neural Network Parametrized Potentials for the Description of Intermolecular Interactions
J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2023, 19562 (open access).
Preprint: external pagearXiv:2206.00355 (2022).


Böselt L.; Aerts R.; Herrebout W.; Riniker S.
external pageImproving the IR Spectra Alignment Algorithm with Spectra Deconvolution and Combination with Raman or VCD Spectroscopy
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2023, 252063 (open access).


Fiala T.; Barros E. P.; Heeb R.; Riniker S.; Wennemers H.
external pagePredicting Collagen Triple Helix Stability Through Additive Effects of Terminal Residues and Caps
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 62e202214728 (open access).


Fiala T.; Barros E. P.; Ebert M.-O.; Ruijsenaars E.; Riniker S.; Wennemers H.
external pageFrame Shifts Affect the Stability of Collagen Triple Helices
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 18642.


Stadelmann T.; Balmer C.; Riniker S.; Ebert M.-C.
external pageImpact of Solvent Interactions on 1H and 13C Chemical Shifts Investigated Using DFT and a Reference Dataset Recorded in CDCl3 and CCl4
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys
. 2022, 2423551 (open access).


Hofstetter A.; Böselt L.; Riniker S.
external pageGraph Convolutional Neural Networks for (QM)ML/MM Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2022, 2422497 (open access).
Preprint: external pagearXiv:2206.14422 (2022).


Rieder S. R.; Ries B.; Kubincová A.; Champion C.; Barros E. P.; Hünenberger P. H.; Riniker S.
external pageLeveraging the Sampling Efficiency of RE-EDS in OpenMM Using a Shifted Reaction-Field With an Atom-Based Cutoff
J. Chem. Phys. 2022, 157, 104117 (open access).


Stenström S.; Champion C.; Lehner M.; Bouvignies G.; Riniker S.; Ferrage F.
external pageHow Does it Really Move? Recent Progress in the Investigation of Protein Nanosecond Dynamics by NMR and Simulation
Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol. 2022, 77102459 (open access).


Kamenik A. S.; Linker S. M.; Riniker S.
external pageMatching Simulations and Experiments of Conformationally Flexible Cyclic Peptides: Steps toward a Holistic View of Passive Membrane Permeability
ACS Book "Approaching the Next Inflection in Peptide Therapeutics: Attaining Cell Permeability and Oral Bioavailability" 2022, Ch. 5, pp. 137--154.


Rieder S. R.; Ries B.; Schaller K.; Champion C.; Barros E. P.; Hünenberger P. H.; Riniker S.
external pageReplica-Exchange Enveloping Distribution Sampling Using Generalized AMBER Force-Field Topologies: Application to Relative Hydration Free-Energy Calculations for Large Sets of Molecules
J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2022, 623043 (open access).
Preprint external pagearXiv:2204.01396 (2022)


Rieder S. R.; Ries B.; Champion C.; Barros E. P.; Hünenberger P. H.; Riniker S.
external pageReplica-Exchange Enveloping Distribution Sampling: Calculation of Relative Free Energies in GROMOS
CHIMIA 2022, 76, 327 (open access).


Ries B.; Rieder S.; Rhiner C.; Hünenberger P. H.; Riniker S.
external pageRestraintMaker: A Graph-Based Approach to Select Distance Restraints in Free-Energy Calculations with Dual Topology
J. Comput.-Aided Mol. Des. 2022, 36, 175 (open access).


Linker S. M.; Schellhaas C.; Ries B.; Roth H.-J.; Fouché M.; Rodde S.; Riniker S.
external pagePolar/Apolar Interfaces Modulate the Conformational Behavior of Cyclic Peptides with Impact on Their Passive Membrane Permeability
RSC Advances 2022, 12, 5782 (open access).


Thürlemann M.; Böselt L.; Riniker S.
external pageLearning Atomic Multipoles: Prediction of the Electrostatic Potential with Equivariant Graph Neural Networks
J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2022, 181701 (open access).
Preprint external pagearXiv:2110.05417 (2021)


Wang S.; Krummenacher K.; Landrum G. A.; Sellers B.; Di Lello P.; Robinson S.; Martin B.; Holden J.; Tom J.; Murthy A.; Popovych N.; Riniker S.
external pageIncorporating NOE-Derived Distances in Conformer Generation of Cyclic Peptides with Distance Geometry
J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2022, 62472 (open access).




Kamenik A. S.; Linker S. M.; Riniker S.
external pageEnhanced Sampling Without Borders: On Global Biasing Functions and How to Reweight Them
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2021, 24, 1225 (open access).


Ries B.; Normak K.; Weiss R. G.; Rieder S.; Barros E. P.; Champion C.; König G.; Riniker S.
external pageRelative Free-Energy Calculations for Scaffold Hopping-Type Transformations with an Automated RE-EDS Sampling Procedure
J. Comput.-Aided Mol. Des. 2022, 36, 117 (open access).


König G.; Ries B.; Hünenberger P. H.; Riniker S.
external pageEfficient Alchemical Intermediate States in Free Energy Calculations Using λ-EDS
J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2021, 17, 5805.


Barros E. P.; Ries B.; Böselt L.; Champion C.; Riniker S.
external pageRecent Developments in Multiscale Free Energy Simulations
Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol. 2021, 72, 55 (open access).


Wang S.; König G.; Roth H.-J.; Fouché M.; Rodde S.; Riniker S.
external pageEffect of Flexibility, Lipophilicity, and the Location of Polar Residues on the Passive Membrane Permeability of a Series of Cyclic Decapeptides
J. Med. Chem. 2021, 6412761 (open access).


Weiss R. G.; Losfeld M.-E.; Aebi M.; Riniker S.
external pageN-Glycosylation Enhances Conformational Flexibility of Protein Disulfide Isomerase Revealed by Microsecond Molecular Dynamics and Markov State Modeling
J. Phys. Chem. B 2021, 125, 9467.


Kubincová A.; Riniker S.; Hünenberger P. H.
external pageSolvent Scaling as an Alternative to Coarse-graining in Adaptive-resolution Simulations: The Adaptive Solvent-Scaling (AdSoS) Scheme
J. Chem. Phys. 2021, 155, 094107 (open access).


Linker S. M.; Wang S.; Ries B.; Stadelmann T.; Riniker S.
external pagePassing the Barrier – How Computer Simulations Can Help to Understand and Improve the Passive Membrane Permeability of Cyclic Peptides
CHIMIA 2021, 75, 518 (open access).


Pultar F.; Hansen M.; Wolfrum S.; Böselt L.; Frois-Martins R.; Bloch S.; Kravina A.; Pehlivanoglu D.; Schaffer C.; Leibundgut-Landmann S.; Riniker S.; Carreira E.
external pageMutanobactin D from the Human Microbiome: Total Synthesis, Configurational Assignment, and Biological Evaluation
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 10389.


Esposito C.; Landrum G. A.; Schneider N.; Stiefl N.; Riniker S.
external pageGHOST: Adjusting the Decision Threshold to Handle Imbalanced Data in Machine Learning
J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2021, 612623 (open access).


Mathew C.; Weiss R. G.; Giese C.; Lin C.-W.; Losfeld M.-E.; Glockshuber R.; Riniker S.; Aebi M.
external pageGlycan-Protein Interactions Determine Kinetics of N-Glycan Remodeling
RSC Chem. Biol. 2021, 2917 (open access).
Preprint external pagebioRxiv 10.1101/2020.12.01.406371 (2020)


Egli J.; Esposito C.; Müri M.; Riniker S.; Wennemers H.
external pageInfluence of Lipidation on the Folding and Stability of Collagen Triple Helices – An Experimental and Theoretical Study
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 5937.


Böselt L.; Thürlemann M.; Riniker S.
external pageMachine Learning in QM/MM Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Condensed-Phase Systems
J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2021, 17, 2641 (open access).
Preprint external pagearXiv:2010.11610 (2020)


Comeau C.; Ries B.; Stadelmann T.; Tremblay J.; Poulet S.; Froehlich U.; Côté J.; Boudreault P.-L.; Derbali R. M.; Sarret P.; Grandbois M.; Leclair G.; Riniker S.; Marsault E.
external pageModulation of the Passive Permeability of Semi-Peptidic Macrocycles. N- and C-Methylations Fine-tune Conformation and Properties
J. Med. Chem. 2021, 64, 5365.


Ries B.; Linker S.; Hahn D.; König G.; Riniker S.
external pageEnsembler: A Simple Package for Fast Prototyping and Teaching Molecular Simulations
J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2021, 61, 560.


Weiss R. G.; Ries B.; Wang S.; Riniker S.
external pageVolume-Scaled Common Nearest Neighbor Clustering Algorithm with Free-Energy Hierarchy
J. Chem. Phys. 2021, 154, 084106 (open access).


Awale M.; Hert J.; Guasch L.; Riniker S.; Kramer C.
external pageThe Playbooks of Medicinal Chemistry Design Moves
J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2021, 61, 729.




Linker S. M.; Weiss R. G.; Riniker S.
external pageConnecting Dynamic Reweighting Algorithms: Derivation of the Dynamic Reweighting Family Tree
J. Chem. Phys. 2020, 153, 234106 (open access).


Armacost K. A.; Riniker S.; Cournia Z.
external pageExploring Novel Directions in Free Energy Calculations (Editorial)
J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2020, 60, 5283 (open access).


van Gunsteren W. F.; Daura X.; Fuchs P. F. J.; Hansen N.; Horta B. A. C.; Hünenberger P. H.; Mark A. E.; Pechlaner M.; Riniker S.; Oostenbrink C.
external pageOn the Effect of the Various Assumptions and Approximations used in Molecular Simulation on the Properties of Bio-Molecular Systems: Overview and Perspective on Issues
ChemPhysChem 2021, 22, 264.


Oliveira M. P.; Andrey M.; Rieder S. R.; Kern L.; Hahn D. F.; Riniker S.; Horta B. A. C.; Hünenberger P. H.
external pageSystematic Optimization of a Fragment-Based Force Field against Experimental Pure-Liquid Properties Considering Large Compound Families: Application to Saturated Haloalkanes
J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2020, 16, 7525 (open access).


Wang S.; Riniker S.
external pageMachine Learning in the Area of Molecular Dynamics Simulations
in the book "Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery", The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2021, Chapter 9, pp. 184-214.


Kubincová A.; Riniker S.; Hünenberger P. H.
external pageReaction-field Electrostatics in Molecular Dynamics Simulations: Development of a Conservative Scheme Compatible with an Atomic Cutoff
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2020, 22, 26419 (open access).


König G.; Glaser N.; Schroeder B.; Kubincová A.; Hünenberger P. H.; Riniker S.
external pageAn Alternative to Conventional λ-Intermediate States in Alchemical Free Energy Calculations: λ-Enveloping Distribution Sampling
J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2020, 60, 5407.


Stadelmann T.; Subramanian G.; Menon S.; Townsend C.; Lokey S.; Ebert M.-O.; Riniker S.
external pageConnecting the Conformational Behavior of Cyclic Octadepsipeptides With Their Ionophoric Property and Membrane Permeability
Org. Biomol. Chem. 2020, 18, 7110 (open access).


Gebhardt J.; Kiesel M.; Riniker S.; Hansen N.
external pageCombining Molecular Dynamics and Machine Learning to Predict Self-Solvation Free Energies and Limiting Activity Coefficients
J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2020, 60, 5319.


Esposito C.; Wang S.; Lange U. E. W.; Oellien F.; Riniker S.
external pageCombining Machine Learning and Molecular Dynamics to Predict P-Glycoprotein Substrates
J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2020, 60, 4730.


König G.; Riniker S.
external pageOn the Faithfulness of Molecular Mechanics Representations of Proteins Towards Quantum-mechanical Energy Surfaces
Interface Focus 2020, 10, 20190121.


Böselt L.; Doetzer R.; Steiner S.; Stritzinger M.; Salzmann S.; Riniker S.
external pageDetermining the Regio- and Relative Stereochemistry of Small and Drug-like Molecules Using an Alignment Algorithm for Infrared Spectra
Anal. Chem. 2020, 92, 9124.


Awale M.; Riniker S.; Kramer C.
external pageMatched Molecular Series Analysis for ADME Property Prediction
J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2020, 60, 2903.


Liu J.; Hürlimann V.; Emter R.; Natsch A.; Esposito C.; Linker S. M.; Zou Y.; Zhou Q.; Wang Q.; Riniker S.; Kraft P.
external pageA New Family of Rigid Dienone Musks Challenges the Perceptive Range of the Human Olfactory Receptor OR5AN1
Synlett 2020, 31, 972.
external pageSynlett Best Paper Award 2020


Wang S.; Witek J.; Landrum G. A.; Riniker S.
external pageImproving Conformer Generation for Small Rings and Macrocycles Based on Distance Geometry and Experimental Torsional-Angle Preferences
J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2020, 60, 2044 (open access).


Armacost K. A.; Riniker S.; Cournia Z.
external pageNovel Directions in Free Energy Methods and Applications (Editorial)
J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2020, 60, 1.




Wang S.; Riniker S.
external pageUse of Molecular Dynamics Fingerprints (MDFPs) in SAMPL6 Octanol-Water logP Blind Challenge
J. Comput.-Aided Mol. Des. 2019, 34, 393.
Author's accepted manuscript (open access).


Riniker S.; Wang S.; Bleiziffer P.; Böselt L.; Esposito C.
external pageMachine Learning With and For Molecular Dynamics Simulations
CHIMIA 2019, 73, 1024.


Smith A. A.; Ernst M.; Riniker S.; Meier B. H.
external pageLocalized and Collective Motions in HET-s(218-289) Fibrils From Combined NMR Relaxation and MD Simulation
Angew. Chem. Int Ed. 2019, 58, 9383.


Renevey A.; Riniker S.
external pageBenchmarking Hybrid Atomistic/Coarse-Grained Schemes for Proteins with an Atomistic Water Layer
J. Phys. Chem. B 2019, 123, 3033.


Böselt L.; Sidler D.; Kittelmann T.; Stohner J.; Zindel D.; Wagner T.; Riniker S.
external pageDetermination of Absolute Stereochemistry of Flexible Molecules Using a Vibrational Circular Dichroism (VCD) Spectra Alignment Algorithm
J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2019, 59, 1826.


Sidler D.; Bleiziffer P.; Riniker S.
external pageBeyond Rosenfeld Equation: Computation of Vibrational Circular Dichroism Spectra for Anisotropic Solutions
J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2019, 15, 2492.


Sidler D.; Riniker S.
external pageFast Nosé-Hoover Thermostat: Molecular Dynamics in Quasi-thermodynamic Equilibrium
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2019, 21, 6059 (open access).


Riniker S.
external pageTowards the Elucidation of the Mechanism for Passive Membrane Permeability of Cyclic Peptides
Future Med. Chem. 2019, 11, 637.




Witek J.; Wang S.; Schroeder B.; Lingwood R.; Dounas A.; Roth H.-J.; Fouché M.; Blatter M.; Lemke O.; Keller B.; Riniker S.
external pageRationalization of the membrane permeability differences in a series of analogue cyclic decapeptides
J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2018, 59, 294.


Riniker S.
external pageResearch strategies in computational chemistry
Infozine 2018, S2, 24-25. PDF


Sidler D.; Lehner M.; Frasch S.; Cristófol-Clough M.; Riniker S.
external pageDensity artefacts at interfaces caused by multiple time-step effects in molecular dynamics simulations
F1000Research 2018, 7, 1745 (open access)


Volkamer A.; Riniker S.
external pageTransition from Academia to Industry and Back
J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2018, 58, 1469-1472.


Song H.; van der Velden N. S.; Shiran S. L.; Bleiziffer P.; Zach C.; Sieber R.; Imani A. S.; Krausbeck F.; Aebi M.; Freeman M. F.; Riniker S.; Künzler M.; Naismith J. H.
external pageA Molecular Mechanism for the Enzymatic Methylation of Nitrogen Atoms within Peptide Bonds
Science Adv. 2018, 4, eaat2720 (open access).


Sidler D.; Frasch S.; Christòfol Clough M.; Riniker S.
external pageAnisotropic Reaction Field Correction for Long-Range Electrostatic Interactions in Molecular Dynamics Simulations
J. Chem. Phys. 2018, 148, 234105.


Riniker S.
external pageFixed-Charge Atomistic Force Fields for Molecular Dynamics Simulations in the Condensed Phase: An Overview
J. Chem. Inf. Model.
2018, 58, 565.


Bleiziffer P.; Schaller K.; Riniker S.
external pageMachine Learning of Partial Charges Derived From High-Quality Quantum-Mechanical Calculations
J. Chem. Inf. Model.
2018, 58, 579 (open access).
external pageErratum: J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2023.




Witek J.; Mühlbauer M.; Keller B. G.; Blatter M.; Meissner A.; Wagner T.; Riniker S.
external pageInterconversion Rates Between Conformational States as Rationale for the Membrane Permeability of Cyclosporines
ChemPhysChem 2017, 18, 3309.


Hentzen N. B.; Smeenk L. E. J.; Witek J.; Riniker S.; Wennemers H.
external pageCross-Linked Collagen Triple Helices by Oxime Ligation
J. Am. Chem. Soc.
2017, 139, 12815.


Riniker S.; Landrum G. A.; Montanari F.; Villalba S. D.; Maier J.; Jansen J. M.; Walters W. P.; Shelat A. A.
external pageVirtual-screening workflow tutorials and prospective results from the Teach-Discover-Treat competition 2014 against malaria
F1000Research 2017, 6, 1136 (open access).


van Gunsteren W. F.; Daura X.; Hansen N.; Mark A.; Oostenbrink C.; Riniker S.; Smith L.
external pageValidation of Molecular Simulation: An Overview of Issues
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 884.


Sidler D.; Christófol-Clough M.; Riniker S.
external pageEfficient Round-Trip Time Optimisation for Replica-Exchange Enveloping Distribution Sampling (RE-EDS)
J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2017, 13, 3020.


Riniker S.
external pageMolecular dynamics fingerprints (MDFP): Machine-learning from MD data to predict free-energy differences
J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2017, 57, 726.


Renevey A.; Riniker S.
external pageImproved accuracy of hybrid atomistic/coarse-grained simulations using reparametrised interactions
J. Chem. Phys. 2017, 146, 124131.



Sidler D.; Schwaninger A.; Riniker S.
external pageReplica exchange enveloping distribution sampling (RE-EDS): A robust method to estimate multiple free-energy differences from a single simulation
J. Chem. Phys. 2016, 145, 154114.


Renevey A.; Riniker S.
external pageThe importance of N-methylations for the stability of β6.3-helical conformation of polytheonamide B
Eur. Biophys. J. 2016, 46, 363.


Fuchs S. W.; Lackner G.; Morinaka B. I.; Riniker S.; Piel J.
external pageA lanthipeptide-like motif guides peptide epimerization by radical SAM epimerases - implications for RiPP evolution
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 12330.


Witek J.;  Keller B. G.; Blatter M.; Meissner A.; Wagner T.; Riniker S.
external pageKinetic models of cyclosporin A in polar and apolar environment reveal multiple congruent states
J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2016, 56, 1547.
external pageErratum: J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2017, 57, 2393.  


Horta B. A. C.; Merz P. T.; Fuchs P. F. J.; Dolenc J.; Riniker S.; Hünenberger P. H.
external pageGROMOS-compatible force field for small organic molecules in the condensed phase: The 2016H66 parameter set
J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2016, 12, 3825.




Riniker S.; Landrum G. A.
external pageBetter informed distance geometry: using what we know to improve conformation generation
J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2015, 55, 2562.


Riniker S.
Method development for classical molecular dynamics simulations: Coarse-graining and free energy calculations
Bunsen-Magazin 2015, 17 (6/2015), 228.


Eichenberger A.; Huang W.; Riniker S.; van Gunsteren W. F.
external pageA supra-atomic coarse-grained GROMOS force field for aliphatic hydrocarbons in the liquid phase
J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2015, 11, 2925.


Mortier J.; Rakers C.; Bermudez M.; Murgueitio M. S.; Riniker S.; Wolber G.
external pageThe impact of molecular dynamics on drug design: applications for the characterization of ligand–macromolecule complexes
Drug Discov. Today 2015, 20, 686.


Eichenberger A.; van Gunsteren W. F.; Riniker S.; von Ziegler L.; Hansen N.
external pageThe key to predicting the stability of protein mutants lies in an accurate description and proper configurational sampling of the folded and denatured states
BBA General Subjects 2015, 1850, 983.




Riniker S.; Barandun L. J.; Diederich F.; Krämer O.; Steffen A.; van Gunsteren W. F.
external pageFree enthalpies of replacing water molecules in protein binding pockets
J. Comput. Aided Mol. Des. 2012, 26, 1293.


Riniker S.; Eichenberger A. P.; van Gunsteren W. F.
external pageStructural effects of an atomic-level layer of water molecules around proteins solvated in supra-molecular coarse-grained water
J. Phys. Chem. B 2012, 116, 8873.


Riniker S.; Eichenberger A. P.; van Gunsteren W. F.
external pageSolvating atomic level fine-grained proteins in supra-molecular coarse-grained water for molecular dynamics simulations
Eur. Biophys. J. 2012, 41, 647.


Riniker S.; van Gunsteren W. F.
external pageMixing coarse-grained and fine-grained water in molecular dynamics simulations of a single system
J. Chem. Phys. 2012, 137, 044120.
external pageErratum: J. Chem. Phys. 2017, 146, 129901.


Riniker S.; Allison J. R.; van Gunsteren W. F.
external pageOn developing coarse-grained models for biomolecular simulation: a review
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2012, 14, 12423.


Horta B. A. C.; Lin Z.; Huang W.; Riniker S.; van Gunsteren W. F.; Hünenberger P. H.
external pageReoptimized interaction parameters for the peptide-backbone model compound N-methylacetamide in the GROMOS force field: Influence on the folding properties of two beta-peptides in methanol
J. Comput. Chem. 2012, 33, 1907.


Riniker S.; Horta B. A. C.; Thijssen B.; Gupta S.; van Gunsteren W. F.; Hünenberger P. H.
external pageTemperature dependence of the dielectric permittivity of acetic acid, propionic acid and their methyl esters: a molecular dynamics simulation study
ChemPhysChem 2012, 13, 1182.


Hansen N.; Dolenc J.; Knecht M.; Riniker S.; van Gunsteren W. F.
external pageAssessment of enveloping distribution sampling to calculate relative free enthalpies of binding for eight netropsin-DNA duplex complexes in aqueous solution
J. Comput. Chem. 2012, 33, 640.


Allison J.; Riniker S.; van Gunsteren W. F.
external pageCoarse-grained models for the solvents dimethyl sulfoxide, chloroform and methanol
J. Chem. Phys. 2012, 136, 054505.


Kunz A. P. E.; Allison J. R.; Geerke D. P.; Horta B. A. C.; Hünenberger P. H.; Riniker S.; Schmid N.; van Gunsteren W. F.
external pageNew functionalities in the GROMOS biomolecular simulation software
J. Comput. Chem. 2012, 33, 340.




Lin Z.; Liu H.; Riniker S.; van Gunsteren W. F.
external pageOn the use of enveloping distribution sampling (EDS) to compute free enthalpy differences between different conformational states of molecules: application to 310-, α- and π-helices
J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2011, 7, 3884.


Riniker S.; Christ C. D.; Hansen H. S.; Hünenberger P. H.; Oostenbrink C.; Steiner D.; van Gunsteren W. F.
external pageCalculation of relative free energies for ligand-protein binding, solvation and conformational transitions using the GROMOS software
J. Phys. Chem. B 2011, 115, 13570.


Dolenc J.; Riniker S.; Gaspari R.; Daura X.; van Gunsteren W. F.
external pageFree energy calculations offer insights into the influence of receptor flexibility on ligand-receptor binding affinities
J. Comput. Aided Mol. Des. 2011, 25, 709.


Riniker S.; Christ C. D.; Hansen N.; Mark A. E.; Nair P. C.; van Gunsteren W. F.
external pageComparison of enveloping distribution sampling and thermodynamic integration to calculate relative binding free energies of phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase
J. Chem. Phys. 2011, 135, 024105.


Riniker S.; van Gunsteren W. F.
external pageA simple, efficient polarisable coarse-grained water model for molecular dynamics simulations
J. Chem. Phys. 2011, 134, 084110.


Riniker S.; Kunz A. E.; van Gunsteren W. F.
external pageOn the calculation of the dielectric permittivity and relaxation of molecular models in the liquid phase
J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2011, 7, 1469.


Schmid N.; Eichenberger A. P.; Choutko A.; Riniker S.; Winger M.; Mark A. E.; van Gunsteren W. F.
external pageDefinition and testing of the GROMOS force field versions: 54A7 and 54B7
Eur. Biophys. J. 2011, 40, 843.




Riniker S.; Daura X.; van Gunsteren W. F.
external pageα-Cyclodextrin host-guest binding: a computational study of the different driving forces
Helv. Chim. Acta 2010, 93, 2318.




Gattin Z.; Riniker S.; Hore P. J.; Mok K. H.; van Gunsteren W. F.
external pageTemperature and urea induced denaturation of the TRP-cage mini protein TC5b: a simulation study consistent with experimental observations
Protein Sci. 2009, 18, 2090.


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